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Meet "The Moment” Ladies:

Patti Lee – Owner/Designer

Kelsey Lee – Owner/Marketing Director

Ashley Lee – Designer

Bobbi Davis – Sewing Specialist



Why don’t you sit down, get comfortable and let me tell you a little bit about who I am and how we got started in this little “Play” we call “The Moment”…..

My name is Patti Lee and I reside in Boise, Idaho with my husband of 37 years and am also blessed to have my wonderful growing family all living nearby.  Our family consists of three handsome grown sons, three beautiful daughters-in-law, and five adorable grandchildren.

Act 1 - I opened The Moment Wedding Boutique on ETSY in the spring of 2014 in hopes of being able to have a creative outlet for my love of all things wedding!  Prior to this I was a Certified Wedding Specialist and an Interior Designer, and I thought…what a great foundation for helping me to succeed in a wedding accessory business.  I have certainly enjoyed the life of an entrepreneur, setting my own hours, creating new items, and it is my special delight to talk to the brides-to-be about her wedding day and to find out what I can do to make it even more special, unique and memorable.  Fortunately, my little company continued to grow and flourish which leads me into the most current changes and additions we have recently experienced.  It was past time to reach out and hire some help.

 Act 2 -  One of my beautiful and talented daughters-in-law, Ashley, stepped up and offered to join our Design Team and what an invaluable asset she has become with her perfectionistic and artistic abilities.  Then came along one of my oldest and dearest friends, Bobbi, who is an accomplished “quilter” and we put her in charge of our growing sewing department.  She has done a marvelous job stepping in and getting work done.  With my new support team in place and the growing business demands on my time, I was getting a bit worn out…to say the least.   I knew it was time to bring in a partner that could help shoulder some of the day-to-day responsibilities and fill in the areas that, frankly, I’m not very good at!

Act 3 -  Meet Kelsey, another one of my fabulous daughters-in-law.  She brings to the table a Marketing and Communications Degree and has managed to single-handedly bring our company into the 21st century by building and managing our website, establishing our presence in social media and developing our company brand.  What an answer to prayer she is! 

I never tire of sharing my excitement with family and friends about this new adventure in my life and I so appreciate their support and advice, especially from my sweet devoted husband  who has spent many hours listening to my ideas, researching, boxing orders and...well... helping out with just about anything I have needed!

Finally Act 4 – I trust that if we continue to show dedication, hard work, special attention to making sure that each item is of the highest quality, and that we stay focused on excellent customer service…we can look forward to many years of providing unique and creative  wedding accessories that reflect the lifestyle and preferences of today’s modern bride.  


Remember…..”This is your Moment!” and we hope you choose us to help make your wedding dreams come true!

Patti Lee & Kelsey Lee

Ashley Lee

Bobbi Davis

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